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Advisory committee meetings are open to the public. Due to time limitations and to ensure that public comments are correctly recorded, individuals are strongly encouraged to submit public comments in writing via email to
Changes made this year require DCBS to reduce certain benefits on the Standard Silver plan. Also, this rulemaking would reassert the existing rules listing the prosthetic and orthotic devices that must be covered.
Modifies the definition of "pharmacy benefit manager" and imposes new requirements on pharmacy benefit managers.
Proposed rulemaking process that aims to update and amend the current administrative rules related to the Oregon Prescription Drug Price Transparency (DPT) program
Proposed rulemaking process that aims to update and amend the current administrative rules related to Well-Woman visits
The Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) has developed draft rules for manufacturer fees that are necessary for the operation of PDAB consistent with its authority under SB 192 (2023)..
HB 2002 prohibits a carrier offering a health benefit plan from denying or limiting coverage for medically necessary gender affirming treatment that is prescribed in accordance with accepted standards of care.
SB 192 requires all insurers offering health benefit plans in the small group and individual markets to report information about drug pricing to DCBS annually.
HB 2052 (2023) grants the Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) the authority to conduct rulemaking to implement this new program.
Rulemaking as a result of SB 1529 prescribing a methodology for insurers offering individual or group health benefit plans to assign a primary care provider (PCP) to their enrollees.
Rulemaking to establish annual fees to be paid by manufacturers that sell prescription drugs in this state and the affordability review process.Next meeting:April 5, 2023
Rulemaking to adopt and update several rules regarding securities industry regulation.Next meeting:Tues, March 21, 2023.
Rulemaking on behavioral health parity specifically for HB 3046 enacted during the 2021 Legislative Session
Rulemaking to help ensure that the issuance of group health insurance to an employer association is consistent with the requirements of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
Adopted rules
Rulemaking from these committees has been adpoted.
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