Active bulletins
2025-X: Oregon Consumer Finance Licensing Requirements
2025-3: DFR Director’s expectations for health benefit plans under the Oregon Reproductive Health Equity Act
2025-2: Oregon Consumer Finance Licensing Requirements
2025-1: Companies that provide tax debt management services are required to register as debt management service providers
2024-8: Paid Leave Oregon as an “Other Benefit” that reduces Short-Term Disability benefits
2024-7: Requirement of insurers to file underwriting guidelines
2024-6: Expectations of insurers regarding explanations of insurance decisions
2024-5: Expectations of insurance producers regarding homeowners insurance underwriting and rating decisions
2024-4: Industry Guidance on One-Time Adjustment of Federal Student Loans
2024-3: Suspension of requirement to file certain annual price increase reports
2024-2: Interim guidance for health benefit plans for Section 20 of 2023 Oregon House Bill 2002 (gender-affirming treatment)
2023-5: Withdrawal of bulletins DFR 2020-7, 2020-8, 2020-9, 2020-10, 2020-11, 2020-13, and 2020-14
Withdrawn bulletins
DFR 2020-7, 2020-8, 2020-9, 2020-10, 2020-11, 2020-13, 2020-14
2023-4: Reimbursement of Nurse Home Visiting Services
2023-3: Producer contact information, communications, and application guidance
2023-2: Expectations related to wildfires and other declared emergencies
2023-1: End of federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
2022-7: Errors and omissions liability coverage for investment adviser firms
To: All Oregon-based
state investment adviser firms
2022-6: Errors and omissions liability coverage for state licensed investment advisers
To: All Oregon-based
professional liability insurance producers
2022-5: Communications regarding the state wildfire risk map
2022-4: Covering the costs of hMPXV (human monkeypox virus) vaccination
2022-3: Rebuild Timelines and the 2020 Labor Day wildfire disaster
Appendix I to Bulletin DFR 2022-3: Claims Chart
2022-2: Guidance on policy language used in intentional acts exclusions
2022-1: Federal No Surprises Act (NSA) health care provider, health care facility, and air ambulance provider requirements
Previous bulletins
Select a date range below to see bulletins from that period
2019-1: Use of Corporate and Assumed Business Names by Insurers
2018-8: Implementation of Hearing Aid and Hearing Assistive Technology Legislation, 2018 House Bill 4104
2018-7: Regulation of Association Health Plans in Oregon
2018-3: Automobile Insurance Policy Rating for Persons of Non-Specified Gender
2018-2: Implementation of Balance Billing Legislation, 2017 HB 2339 and 2018 SB 1549
2018-1: Accepting Pharmacy or Medical Billings for Vaccinations
2017-7: Special enrollment period for individuals losing minimum essential coverage due to plan discontinuation
2017-6: Guidance for Health Insurance Premium Assessment (updated: 12/1/17)
2017-4: Clarifying Coverage for Marijuana Items and Activities
2017-3: Withdrawal of Insurance Division Bulletin 2011-1
2017-2: Producer Compensation for Health Benefit Plans
2017-1: Contraceptive Extended Dispensing Mandate Administration
Report on Proposed Bulletin DFR 2017-01
2016-2: Exceptions To The Requirement To Present A Pawn Ticket For Pledge Redemption
Report on Proposed Bulletin DFR 2016-02
2016-1: Nondiscrimination Related to Transgender Persons in the Transaction of Insurance in Oregon
Report on Proposed Bulletin DFR 2016-01
2015-2: Life Discretionary Groups
2015-1: Filing procedures for compliance with the provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2015
2014-3: Filing requirements for long-term care premium rate increases
2014-2: Autism Spectrum Disorder; Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy
2014-1: Mental Health Parity
2013-4: Permissible use of lapse in insurance coverage as a rating factor – Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 742.449
2013-3: Association Coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
2013-1: Coverage Effective Periods for Non-Grandfathered Individual Health Benefit Plans in Oregon
2012-1: Application of Senate Bill 2 (2007 Legislative Session) to Gender Identity Issues in the Transaction and Regulation of Insurance in Oregon
- Insurance and Gender Identity Fact Sheet
2011-1 Withdrawn: House Bill 2679 - Implementation of the Federal Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010 (“NRRA”)
2010-4: Credit Scoring Legislation – Senate Bill 377
(This Bulletin replaces Bulletin INS 2010-2, which is hereby withdrawn, and further clarifies when an insurer is required to rerate a policy under ORS 746.661(2)(a).)
2010-3: Use of a Fraud or Misstatement Warning
2009-10: House Bill 2116 (2009) and the Health Insurance Premium Assessment
(This bulletin provides additional information regarding Footnote 2 to Bulletin 2009-9)
2009-9: House Bill 2116 (2009) and the Health Insurance Premium Assessment
(Withdraws bulletins INS 2009-8)
2009-7: Withdrawal of Filing Procedures for Life Insurance and Annuity Advertisements
(Withdraws bulletins INS 2009-6)
2009-5: Corrections
(Withdraws bulletins INS 2009-1 and INS 2009-4)
2009-2: Unfair Discrimination Compensation Arrangements and Noncompliant Commission Activities
2008-5: Prohibition Against Use of Health Status for Underwriting Associations with Small Employer Groups and Allowable Rating Practices for Associations with Small Employer Groups
2008-3: State and Federal Rebating Enforcement Initiative
2008-2: Application of HB 2007, Oregon's Domestic Partnership Legislation
2008-1: Filing Procedures for Compliance with Provisions of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2007
2007-7: Annual Reporting Procedures for Patient Protection Act reports on Grievances, Utilization Review, Quality Assessment and Networking Adequacy
2007-5: Application of NAIC Manuals and Other Publications
2007-4: Withdrawal of Insurance Division Bulletins INS 97-6 and INS 2001-2
2007-3: Flood Insurance Training Requirements for Insurance Producers with a Property Line of Authority Selling Through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
2007-1: Reporting Requirements for Prompt Payment of Claims Under Requirements of ORS 743.866
2006-6: Best Practice Organizations
2006-5: General Filing Instructions for Filing Policy Forms & Rates
2006-3: Withdrawal of Insurance Division Bulletin INS 2002-7
2006-2: Withdrawal of Insurance Division Bulletins 82-4, 86-3, 95-4 and 96-3
2005-4: New Legislation - SB 118
2005-3: Marketing Medicare Prescription Drug Benefits and Medicare Part D
2005-1: Prompt Payment of Claims
2004-1: Commission Rate for Small Employer Health Plans
2003-9: Reporting Procedures for House Bills 2987 and 3431
2003-8: Credit Scoring (Insurance Scoring) Legislation - SB 260
2003-7: Change in PIP Benefits under HB 3668
2003-6: Prospective Loss Cost Filing Procedures for Property/Casualty Insurance (other than Workers Compensation) and Loss Cost Reference Filing Adoption Forms
2003-5: Application of NAIC Manuals and Other Publications
2003-2: Reducing Regulatory Burden
2002-5: (Revised 2/20/03) Sale of individual health benefit plans in the small employer market
2002-3: USA Patriot Act of 2001
2002-1: No Policy Changes Required by 2001 Amendment to ORS 743.186(1)(A)
2001-9: Withdrawal of Bulletin INS 95-5 and INS 96-1
2001-6: Standard Limits of Liability for Oregon Workers' Compensation Policies
2001-4: Voluntary Expedited Filing Procedures for Insurance Applications Developed to Allow Depository Institutions to Meet Their Disclosure Obligations under Section 305 of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
2001-1: OAR 836-080-0240 – Standards for Prompt & Fair Settlement – Automobile Insurance
99-5: Addendum to Bulletin INS 97-6 – Life Insurance and Annuity Provisions Relating to Payment of Taxes
98-3: Filing Requirements for Health Insurance Policy Forms, PER ORS 742.003; Applicability of Negotiated Policy Exception
98-1: Reductions of Refinance Escrow Rates to Induce Title Insurance Business
96-4: Contents Corporate Minutes
96-2: Application of the Insurance Code to Health Benefit Arrangements that Include Provider Risk Sharing
94-4: Creditor's Rights Coverage
94-2: Title Insurance May Not Use Schedule B to Add Coverage
94-1: Blanket Insurance
92-5: Rate Filing Procedures for Workers' Compensation Insurance
92-3: Marketing Practices for Paying Commissions
70-4: Reinsurance of Title Insurance