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Filing description instructions

The Filing Description section serves as the cover letter or explanatory memorandum for the filing. Please provide the following items within the Filing Description to assist with our review and provide you with better speed to market.

  • Provide a detailed explanation of the purpose of the filing; describe the intended use for each form.
  • Explain how new forms differ from similar forms, any changes to revised forms, and the reason to file a new form for the same product.
  • Describe innovative or unique features of each form.
  • New or innovative products must include their marketing plan.
  • The explanation should include any previously approved forms that will be used in conjunction with the product being filed. Include form numbers (exactly as they were filed and approved), approval dates, and Oregon or SERFF Filing numbers.
  • Any IIPRC approved filings that will be used in conjunction with an Oregon filing must disclose the SERFF tracking number for the IIPRC filing(s).
  • If the description states the form(s) are 'new' then they cannot be replacing a previously approved form(s).
  • When submitting replacement form(s) for approval, OAR 836-010-0011(4) requires a complete explanation of all changes being made plus a comparison document for review purposes. Highlighted, annotated, red-line, side-by-side, or John Doe versions of forms must be provided under the Supporting Documentation Tab in SERFF. Do not attach these to the Forms Schedule tab in SERFF. If not replacing the prior approved form(s), explain the need for both forms.
  • When submitting a Property and Casualty form filing that includes more than one company, all forms listed on the Forms Filing Schedule (FFS-1) or Form Schedule Tab in SERFF must apply to each of the companies named on the filing and cover letter equally. If any of the forms will not be used by every company named in the group filing, then a separate form filing must be made for each company.

Filings that are incomplete with the above information will be rejected without review. When resubmitting an incomplete filing, it must be submitted as a new filing and reference the previous submission verifying all the changes have been made as previously requested.

For status inquiries, you may e-mail us after 30 days from submission of a filing at: