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Drug affordability review

This page provides information about Oregon PDAB's work on affordability reviews for the board calendar year 2025.

March 19, 2025 Board Meeting Resources

February 19, 2025 Board Meeting Resources

January 15, 2025 Board Meeting Resources

About Oregon PDAB affordability reviews:
The Prescription Drug Affordability Board conducts annual affordability reviews for identified drugs and insulin products as directed by ORS 646A.694 using criteria established in Oregon law. In an affordability review, the board considers prescription drugs, applies criteria and determines whether the drugs may cause affordability challenges for Oregonians and health care systems in the state. The board compiles a list of nine prescription drugs and at least one insulin product for the Oregon Legislature. The criteria includes feedback from people impacted by the drug.

The board begins with a list of eligible prescription drugs provided by the Drug Price Transparency (DPT) program pursuant to ORS 646A.694. The board also uses insulin information from the Oregon Health Authority All Claims All Payers (APAC) data base. The DPT list comes from information submitted by manufacturers and insurance companies to the Department of Consumer Business Services. The board narrows the lists to a subset list and then reviews the insulin products and prescription drugs one at a time.

The board adopted two rules in 2023 to guide the board's affordability review process. OAR 925-200-0010 provides criteria for the board's selection of the subset list of drugs and OAR 925-200-0020 provides criteria to help determine affordability.