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Reports from Pharmaceutical Manufacturers or Consumers

The Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act requires prescription drug manufacturers to report new specialty prescription drugs, submit annual reports on any drugs with large price increases over the past year, and report any planned large price increases. The Oregon Drug Price Transparency Program also requests reports from consumers about cost increases they experience for prescriptions. The submitted information is updated daily and can be explored below.

IMPORTANT: The information available here was submitted by manufacturers or consumers. The department cannot confirm the accuracy and validity of reported information. Information provided by manufacturers may be inaccurate or incomplete.

This page contains all of the publicly available content in reports received by the Oregon Drug Price Transparency Program. Information claimed by a manufacturer to be trade secret will not be posted unless a final determination to disclose has been made by the department or the director. Any information claimed to be a trade secret and determined by the department to be exempt from disclosure will not be directly posted publicly, but will be generally described with an explanation for the determination.

To review this information, we suggest selecting Filing Complete from the Statuses dropdown, then selecting a particular drug. Manufacturer reports in the Filing Complete status will have the most information displayed. You can also select Consumer Notifications to see the information consumers have reported.

Types of reports:

  • New specialty drug: Manufacturers are to report on new prescription drugs within 30 days of their entry into the market for drugs with a price of $670 or more for a one month supply.
  • Annual price increase: Manufacturers are to report on prescription drugs by March 15 each year for drugs with a price increase of 10 percent or more and a cost of $100 or more for a one-month supply.
  • 60-day price increase notice: Manufacturers are to report on planned price increases that meet certain thresholds, depending on whether they are brand name or generic prescription drugs.
  • Consumer notification: Anyone from the public can submit a report to the program if they experience an increase in the cost of their prescriptions.

For analysis of these reports, see the Drug Price Transparency Program's annual reports submitted to the Oregon Legislature.


For information on a specific drug, visit the following pages:

For general information on prescription drugs, visit the following pages: