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Tips to avoid scams

Signs a scammer might be targeting you:

  • Contacts you out of the blue, claims there is an emergency, or tells you to keep it secret.
  • Impersonates an official agency (such as the U.S. Department of Education) or a licensed attorney, using unfamiliar websites and toll-free numbers.
  • Tells you to avoid making payments, contacting your servicer, or speaking to a non-profit counselor.
  • Guarantees or promises positive results, including student loan forgiveness.
  • Asks for personal financial information, such as your bank account and Social Security numbers.
  • Charges you to apply for benefits that are already included in the promissory note of your federal student loan.

Steps to protect yourself:

  • If you do not know who is reaching out to you, do not respond to calls, texts or emails, or click links.
  • Double check the contact if you receive a call or email from your student loan servicing company.
  • File a complaint with the Oregon Student Loan Ombuds if you are concerned about a potential scam.

Things to avoid:

  • Paying money up front for help negotiating with your servicer, or with the promise of getting forgiveness. Only the U.S. Department of Education can offer forgiveness for Direct Student Loans.
  • Sending your loan payments to anyone other than your servicer.
  • Giving someone your financial or personal information before verifying if that person is licensed in Oregon. Check a license