Plan comparison table: 2024 List of Individual Market Plans
Excel table provides consumer cost information on all individual health insurance plans offered through the
Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace website and all individual plans offered in Oregon outside the Marketplace. The table does not consider any tax credit or cost-share reduction that a consumer may be entitled to and does not include the cost-share plan variations for people who are eligible for cost-share reduction.
Please read the information found in the Overview tab of the Excel table, to better understand how to use the Excel table and to note some of the tool’s limitations.
The data in the table came from plan and benefit documents filed with and approved by the Division of Financial Regulation. The data has been confirmed as accurate by the insurers. However, this table is intended to be used as a tool to increase the efficiency of comparing plans and the total cost of coverage. It does not address every claims payment situation and cannot substitute for coverage detailed in the insurance policy. For specific policy questions, contact the insurer.
Download the comparison table:
2024 List of Individual Market Plans